Landlord Reference Letter template (UK)

A Landlord Reference Letter provides valuable insight into a tenant’s rental history. It helps future landlords assess their reliability and decide if they’re a good candidate. Landlord Reference Letter templates can be used to create a professional and effective reference.

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What is a Landlord Reference?

A Landlord Reference Letter is a legal document written by a previous landlord to provide details about a tenant’s rental history. It serves as a landlord reference check for prospective landlords to evaluate whether a tenant is reliable, responsible, and financially stable.

This letter typically confirms key details, such as the tenant’s payment history, property upkeep, and overall behaviour during their tenancy. A positive Landlord Reference Letter can strengthen a tenant’s rental application, while a poor reference may raise concerns.

Prospective landlords often request a previous landlord reference to make sure the tenant was compliant with their tenancy obligations. This helps mitigate potential risks associated with renting out a property.

What does a landlord reference include?

A Landlord Reference Letter template UK should be clear, concise, and factual. It should include:

Tenant’s basic information

Include the full name of the tenant, the address of the rental property, and for how long they rented the property.

Rental payment history

Mention whether or not the tenant consistently paid their rent on time. You can also include information regarding any outstanding arrears or late payments, if applicable.

Property maintenance and behaviour

Next, include some information about the maintenance of the property during the tenancy. If applicable, describe any damage to the property beyond normal wear and tar, and whether there were complaints from the neighbours.

Communication and responsiveness

It’s also important to let the reader know if the tenant reported maintenance issues in good time, and if they were cooperative with property inspections.

Landlord’s recommendation

The Landlord Reference letter should also include your overall opinion of the tenant. Would you rent to them again? You can also include any other general comments on the tenancy that you believe may be of interest to another landlord.

Providing factual, objective details guarantees the Landlord Reference Letter template remains professional and useful for future landlords.

Landlord reference example

Before drafting your own Landlord Reference Letter UK, it’s helpful to see a sample structure. This allows you to understand what to include and how to phrase key points professionally.

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How to write a Landlord Reference Letter

When writing a Landlord Reference Letter, follow these steps to make a comprehensive document:

State the purpose of the letter

Make it clear that the letter is a Landlord Reference and is being provided to verify the tenant’s history.

Provide key details

Include the:

  • Tenant’s full name
  • Rental property address
  • Length of tenancy
  • Rent payment history

Assess property care and tenant behaviour

Mention if the tenant kept the property in good condition and whether there were any issues with damage or disturbances.

Make a recommendation

State whether you would rent to the tenant again. If applicable, provide reasons for any concerns.

Include landlord contact information

Prospective landlords may want to verify the reference. Include your:

  • Full name
  • Contact details
  • Address or company name (if applicable)

Using a Landlord Reference template helps guarantee consistency and professionalism in your references.

Landlord Reference Letter FAQs

Still have some doubts regarding this document? Below are the answers to some of the most common questions people have before beginning their draft.

Can a landlord give a bad reference?

Yes, a Landlord Reference Letter can include negative details if they are factual and objective. A landlord can highlight issues such as late rent payments, property damage, or disruptive behaviour.

However, they must avoid defamatory statements or personal bias. If a tenant believes the reference is unfair, they may dispute it.

Can a landlord refuse to give a reference in the UK?

Yes, landlords are not legally required to provide a previous landlord reference. Some landlords choose to withhold references if a tenant had significant issues, while others may have a policy of not providing references at all.

However, tenants can ask a prospective landlord to accept alternative forms of verification, such as proof of rent payments.

Can a bad reference from a landlord be legally challenged or enforced?

If a tenant believes a Landlord Reference Letter is inaccurate or misleading, they can challenge it. You must make sure all details are truthful and verifiable.

If a reference is proven to be false or discriminatory, the tenant may decide to take legal action. Tenants concerned about a bad landlord reference can provide alternative references or evidence of a good tenancy history.

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Preview of your Landlord Reference Letter

Landlord Full Name: ____________________________
Adress: ____________________________
Postcode: ____________________________
Country: ____________________________
_____ day of _______________, 20___
Recipient Full Name: ____________________
Adress: _______________________________
Postcode: _____________________________
Country: ______________________________
Subject: Landlord Reference for _________
To ____________________________,
This letter serves to confirm that _________ was my tenant from _________________ to _________________ at the property located at ____________________________, which is:
______________________________________________________ (Property description)
Overall, I would gladly rent to _________ again.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information using the information below.
Yours sincerely,
____________________________ (Landlord name)
Date of signature
Email: ____________________________
Phone number: _____________________
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