This document can be used in a range of situations. Below are some of the most common uses:
Cease and Desist Letter for harassment
Harassment can take many forms, including unwanted communication, stalking, or other behaviours that cause distress. Harassment is illegal in the UK. (Protection from Harassment Act, 1997)
If you’re the target of harassment, you can send a Cease and Desist, meaning you formally request that the offending party cease these actions immediately.
This document is particularly effective for individuals experiencing workplace harassment, neighbour disputes, or persistent personal conflicts. It sets clear boundaries and provides written evidence of your effort to address the issue before seeking legal intervention.
Cease and Desist Letter for defamation
Defamation occurs when false statements are made about you or your business, damaging your reputation. (Defamation Act, 2013)
A Cease and Desist Letter for defamation demands that the offending party stop spreading harmful falsehoods and, in some cases, retract their statements.
This type of letter can also request the removal of defamatory content from online platforms or social media, guaranteeing that your reputation is restored.
Defamation-related Cease and Desist Letters often serve as a precursor to formal legal action if the behaviour continues.