Safeguarding Policy Template

Creating a comprehensive Safeguarding Policy is essential for any organisation that works with children, vulnerable adults, or individuals in care.

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What is a Safeguarding Policy?

A Safeguarding Policy is a formal legal document that outlines an organisation’s commitment to protecting individuals from harm, abuse, and neglect.

It defines the procedures and practices that will be implemented to protect anyone who might be at risk within the organisation’s operations.

Safeguarding Policies are essential for setting clear expectations and guidelines for staff, volunteers, and anyone associated with the organisation.

They provide a framework for recognising, reporting, and responding to safeguarding concerns, so that everyone knows their role in maintaining a safe environment.

A well-crafted policy not only guarantees the safety and well-being of those in your care but also protects your organisation from potential legal and reputational risks.

Types of Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policies are not one-size-fits-all. Different environments and demographics require tailored approaches to safeguarding. Below, we explore the most common types of safeguarding policies used in the UK.

Child Safeguarding Policy UK

A Child Safeguarding Policy is designed to protect children from abuse, exploitation, and neglect.

In the UK, any organisation that works with children, whether in education, healthcare, or community services, must have a Safeguarding Children Policy in place.

This policy should include clear definitions of what constitutes abuse and neglect, procedures for reporting concerns, and guidelines on how to respond to allegations.

Adults Safeguarding Policy

An Adults Safeguarding Policy focuses on protecting vulnerable adults from abuse, harm, and neglect.

Vulnerable adults may include:

  • Elderly individuals
  • Disabled adults
  • Individuals with mental health issues

When drafting your Adult Safeguarding Policy, you should cover how to recognise signs of abuse, the steps to take when abuse is suspected, and how to support victims.

You should also include a clear reporting procedure, so that all concerns are escalated to the appropriate authorities swiftly and effectively.

Safeguarding Policy in schools

Schools are legally required to have safeguarding policies to protect students from harm.

Issues such as child protection, internet safety, bullying, and health and safety should be covered in your Schools Safeguarding Policy. UK regulations can change across different constituent countries, so be sure to check the local laws.

You should outline the responsibilities of teachers, support staff, and administrators in your School Safeguarding Policy.

You should also include clear procedures for reporting and responding to safeguarding concerns, as well as details on how the school will work with external agencies, such as social services and the police.

Safeguarding Policy in health and social care

In health and social care settings, Safeguarding Policies are essential for protecting patients and clients from harm.

The policy should detail the procedures for identifying and reporting safeguarding concerns, including how to handle disclosures from patients or clients.

It should also include guidelines for staff on how to protect themselves from false allegations, and how to carry out care practices that are safe and respectful.

Training and ongoing support for staff are critical to the successful implementation of this policy.

Example Safeguarding Policy

Having a sample Safeguarding Policy template to guide you when writing your draft can make the process much simpler. Below is an example, with all the details that a Safeguarding Policy typically includes:

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How to write a Safeguarding Policy

Writing a Safeguarding Policy involves several key steps to tailor it to your organisation’s needs. Here’s how to get started:

Understand the legal requirements

Familiarise yourself with the relevant laws and regulations in the UK that apply to your organisation, such as the Children Act 1989 and the Care Act 2014.

Identify the risks

Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential safeguarding issues within your organisation. This will help you tailor your policy to address the specific risks faced by your employees and those in your care.

Define roles and responsibilities

Clearly outline who within your organisation is responsible for safeguarding, including the designated safeguarding lead and any other key roles.

Establish reporting procedures

Develop clear, accessible procedures for reporting safeguarding concerns. All your staff need to know who to report to and how to escalate concerns if necessary.

Include training and support

Detail the training requirements for all staff and volunteers. They have to understand their responsibilities and know how to recognise and report safeguarding concerns.

Regularly review and update the policy

Set a schedule for regular reviews of your safeguarding policy, making sure it stays up to date with changes in legislation and best practices.

If you need more help, try our step-by-step form builder to help draft your customised Safeguarding Policy.

Safeguarding Policy FAQs

Who needs a Safeguarding Policy?

Any organisation that works with children, vulnerable adults, or individuals in care needs a safeguarding policy. This includes schools, healthcare providers, social care organisations, community groups, and charities.

Even businesses that do not directly work with vulnerable groups but engage with them should occasionally have a Safeguarding Policy in place.

What is a Safeguarding Policy in a care home?

A Safeguarding Policy in a care home is designed to protect residents from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

This policy should include procedures for recognising and reporting abuse, guidelines for supporting residents, and measures for guaranteeing that care practices are safe and respectful.

The policy should also include training for all staff on how to handle safeguarding issues sensitively and appropriately.

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Preview of your Safeguarding Policy

Commitment to Safety
1. _________ (the 'Organisation') works actively to prevent harm and promote the welfare of all children that we interact with (i.e. as _________'s clients). This Safeguarding Policy applies to individuals referred to as 'Beneficiaries'.
2. The Organisation is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all the Beneficiaries, free from discrimination based on age, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected characteristic.

3. This Safeguarding Policy adheres to the latest safeguarding laws of England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland, including relevant government guidance. If there is any conflict between this Policy and these laws, _________ will always prioritise upholding the legal requirements.
4. _________ has implemented this Safeguarding Policy in fulfilment of its obligations as an organisation working with children.
5. For questions about this policy, please contact _________ in the first instance, via e-mail _________ or via phone _________.
Safeguarding Policy Scope
6. This Policy applies to everyone working for or representing _________ in the UK, regardless of position, employment type (full-time, part-time, temporary), or affiliation (direct employee, contractor, volunteer, intern; collectively 'Staff Members').

7. This Policy is separate from employment contracts. To ensure its effectiveness, _________ may revise the Policy at any time. We will communicate any changes transparently.
8. This Policy outlines _________'s approach to harm prevention for its Beneficiaries through Staff Member's conduct and practices.
9. This Safeguarding Policy applies to the organisation and operation of all _________ activities that involve children (i.e. Relevant Activities). These primarily include:

     a. _________
Safeguarding Definition
10. The term 'Safeguarding' refers to practices and procedures designed to protect vulnerable individuals from harm or potential harm. It also promotes their overall well-being. Safeguarding is particularly crucial for children and adults at risk, with most legal obligations related to their care. This Policy specifically addresses child safeguarding, defining children as individuals under 18 years old (in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland) or under 16 years old (in Scotland).
11. This Safeguarding Policy outlines _________'s commitment to protecting its beneficiaries from harm caused by:

     a. _________ activities, practices, and the potential for harm arising from the conduct of its Staff Members., or
     b. People and situations beyond (_________) and its Staff Members' control. This includes instances where Staff Members are aware of, ought to be aware of, or reasonably suspect a situation that poses a safeguarding risk.

12. This policy defines a 'Safeguarding Concern' as any conduct or situation that a Staff Member or someone else suspects might violate the safeguarding commitments above.
How _________ Protects Its Beneficiaries: Key Safeguarding Measures

13. Prioritising child safety by following local safeguarding arrangements. These comprehensive plans, developed by local authorities, police, and healthcare providers, offer valuable leadership and guidance to ensure children's well-being.
14. All Staff Members will receive training on identifying and reporting safeguarding concerns. Also, _________ encourages them to report any Safeguarding Concerns they identify (set out below under the heading 'Procedures: Reporting').

15. We create a safe, accessible, fair, and efficient space for all Staff Members to raise safeguarding concerns (colleagues, beneficiaries, or anyone else involved). We expect all staff to listen attentively and professionally. Training will equip Staff Members to support those raising concerns and guide them through _________'s established reporting procedures. All reported concerns will be handled by designated individuals and teams following _________'s relevant procedures (detailed below under 'Procedures: Investigation and Response').

     a. _________ has fair and objective procedures to address all safeguarding concerns, even when they involve Staff Members. Allegations are taken seriously, with the severity of the claims considered throughout the process. We are committed to protecting all parties involved. This means we will only presume guilt or publicly criticise people once a thorough investigation is completed.
     b. Reports that qualify as protected disclosures under whistleblowing law will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and following all relevant whistleblowing policies law.
16. _________ is designated as the lead for safeguarding policies and procedures within _________.

17. Following appropriate recruitment processes for all new staff members, including volunteers. These processes include:

     a. Conducting pre-employment checks following relevant regulations.
     b. All new Staff Members must take part in, and understand the content of, all necessary safeguarding training before having any contact with _________'s Beneficiaries. This training equips them with the knowledge and skills to keep everyone safe.
     c. Following _________'s staff recruitment and selection procedures.

18. Every Staff Member should be provided with, and required to undertake, training that is appropriate to their role, responsibilities, and degree and type of contact with Beneficiaries. This should, if appropriate, include training on:

     a. Identify and respond to abuse by recognising signs of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
     b. Learn active listening skills and how to navigate disclosure of safeguarding concerns, including confidentiality.
     c. Follow reporting procedures by understanding when and how to report concerns using _________'s established procedures.
     d. Stay informed by discovering additional resources like policies, documents, and external training to stay up-to-date on safeguarding best practices.
19. Treating all safeguarding information with the utmost confidentiality and security. This involves:

     a. Complying with UK data protection legislation, including The UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
     b. Following _________'s data protection policies and procedures.
     c. Providing Staff Members with training on data protection and privacy, if appropriate.
     d. Making easy to access _________, who can be contacted by emailing _________ or at _________ for Staff Members as an identifiable point of contact for questions or concerns about data protection and privacy.
     e. Sharing safeguarding information internally ONLY on a strict need-to-know basis to ensure the best possible care for the beneficiary involved.
20. Building a safe environment by creating a culture of transparency and awareness to prevent harm. For example:

     a. Encourage open communication by informing beneficiaries about _________'s safeguarding procedures and how to report any concerns.
     b. Acknowledge by the Staff Members of safeguarding laws, _________'s safeguarding commitments and procedures, and Staff Members' responsibilities concerning these.

21. Regularly reviewing all safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure that they are up-to-date with safeguarding law and that they remain suitable for _________'s Relevant Activities and workforce, and meeting any review and evaluation requirements specific to _________'s industry and organisation type.
Staff Members' Responsibilities
22. All Staff Members are responsible for promoting the safety and well-being of all of _________'s Beneficiaries by following all of _________'s policies and procedures relevant to safeguarding and all UK laws relevant to safeguarding. Specifically:

     a. All Staff Members at _________ play a role in keeping Beneficiaries safe and every role will be covered in detail during training. In case of doubt, it is important to contact _________ to clarify any aspect of roles and responsibilities.
     b. Encourage all Staff Members to actively participate and ask questions if anything is unclear to _________.
     c. Do not risk the safety or well-being of any of _________'s Beneficiaries by avoiding any of the next situations:
           i. Subjecting them to or facilitating abuse of any sort.
           ii. Engaging in any sexual activity with children (i.e. anybody under the age of 18).
           iii. Participating in or facilitating any activities that may commercially exploit Beneficiaries. For example, failing to report suspected child labour or trafficking.
     d. Staff Members must report all Safeguarding Concerns that they have regarding Beneficiaries' safety, regardless of whether the concerns relate to potential wrongdoing of other Staff Members, other Beneficiaries, or external parties (e.g. parents, teachers, other organisations, or members of the public).
Procedures: Reporting
23. To ensure the safety of _________ Beneficiaries, Staff Members will be trained to recognise potential safeguarding concerns like abuse, neglect, and threats to well-being.

24. Staff Members who identify a safeguarding concern should report it following the next steps:

     a. _________
25. Staff Members unable to follow the standard reporting steps should still report the concern in another alternative way. This may be the case if, for example:

     a. Contacting someone potentially involved in the concern, or someone the Staff Member feels uncomfortable approaching, or
     b. In emergencies involving a risk of serious harm, contact emergency services (e.g. police, ambulance, mental health crisis line) directly, or, if appropriate, report the concern to a senior member of _________'s staff.
Procedures: Investigation and Response

26. All Reported Safeguarding Concerns at _________ are treated seriously and addressed promptly by trained personnel following the established procedures and relevant laws. For more details about these procedures, please contact _________.
27. We aim to keep Staff Members who report a Safeguarding Concern informed about its progress as much as possible, depending on the nature of the concern and the confidentiality of the investigations.

28. In case of breach of this Safeguarding Policy or safeguarding law in general by a Staff Member, they will be treated fairly and will only be dismissed if appropriate in the circumstances and in accordance with employment law.

29. External referrals or notifications (e.g. to police services, local authorities, or regulatory bodies) will only be made when deemed necessary and strictly following applicable laws, including data protection regulations, to ensure the safety and well-being of Beneficiaries.
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