1. _________ (the Employer) prioritises health and safety issues and is dedicated to safeguarding the health and safety of its staff and anyone impacted by our operations, and visitors to our premises. This Policy is intended to help the Employer achieve this by defining responsibilities for health and safety matters.
2. This is a policy statement only and does not form part of your employment contract. This Policy is subject to change and periodic updates. The Employer will review this Policy regularly to ensure that it achieves its aims effectively.
Workplace Health and Safety Responsible
3. Everyone works together for a safe and healthy workplace. This Policy and its rules apply to all staff of the Employer, regardless of role or work arrangement. Specific responsibilities are outlined in the "Staff Responsibilities" section.
Employer Responsibilities
4. The Employer has the following responsibilities:
a. Implementing reasonable safeguards to protect the health and safety of the staff, stakeholders, visitors and people affected by the business activities.
b. Proactively identifying health and safety risks and developing solutions to manage or overcome them.
c. Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment with secure access and exit arrangements, even in emergencies.
d. Maintaining safe work areas, and systems, along with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
e. Implementing safe procedures for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.
f. Providing to all staff an appropriate training and supervision to do their work safely, to avoid hazards and to contribute positively to their own health and safety at work. The Employer will give you the opportunity to ask questions and advise who best to contact in respect if you are unsure about how to safely carry out your work.
g. Providing appropriate training to health and safety representatives to carry out their functions effectively.
h. Providing proper health and safety induction and safety training to your role.
i. Promoting open dialogue on health and safety with employees.
j. If an epidemic or pandemic alert is issued, providing guidance to staff on business continuity and infection prevention in case of an epidemic or pandemic.
k. Monitoring health and safety performance, implementing necessary changes, and communicating updates to staff.
5. Overall responsibility for health and safety lies with the Board of Directors of the Employer. They have appointed _________ as the Health and Safety Officer with day-to-day responsibility for health and safety matters.
6. Any concerns about health and safety matters should be reported to the Health and Safety Officer.
General Staff Responsibilities
a. Take care of their health and safety and others affected by their acts or omissions.
b. Comply with health and safety duties, instructions and rules, including instructions on the safe use of equipment by cooperating with the Health and Safety Officer and the Employer.
c. Be mindful of health and safety risks and take personal responsibility for the health and safety implications of their own acts and omissions.
d. Keep the workplace clean.
e. Report all health and safety concerns to the Health and Safety Officer promptly, including any potential risks, hazards or malfunctioning of equipment, however minor or trivial they may seem.
f. Co-operate with the Employer in investigating accidents and incidents to prevent future harm.
Equipment-Related Staff Responsibilities
a. Use equipment according to provided instructions, including training, manuals, and management guidance.
b. Report any equipment faults, damage, or safety concerns to the Health and Safety Officer.
c. Ensure that health and safety equipment is protected from interference.
d. Not attempt to repair the equipment unless you are properly trained and authorised.
Staff Responsibilities Relating to Accidents and First Aid
a. Promptly report any work-related injuries, no matter how minor, to the Health and Safety Officer and cooperate with any investigation.
b. In case of an accident, call _________ and ask for the duty first aider, giving name, location and brief details of the problem.
c. The Health and Safety Officer investigates injuries and illnesses, maintains accident records, and submits reports under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), where required.
Staff Responsibilities Relating to National Health Alerts
10. In the event of an epidemic or pandemic, all staff must comply and co-operate with all instructions, the employer's guidelines for business operations, infection prevention and steps to be taken by staff to minimise the risk of infection. Questions should be directed to the Health and Safety Officer.
Staff Responsibilities Relating to Emergency Evacuation and Fire
a. Ensure they are familiarised with fire extinguisher locations, emergency exits, and alternate escape routes.
b. Comply with fire warden instructions in case of fire, suspected fire, or fire alarm.
c. Participate and co-operate in fire drills, treating them as a serious practice of emergency procedures. Fire drills will be conducted a minimum of once yearly.
d. Ensure that fire exits, notices, and signs are clear and not obstructed at all times.
e. Notify the Health and Safety Officer immediately of any conditions affecting your ability to evacuate. If you have mobility issues or other conditions that could hinder evacuation, a personal escape plan will be created.
12. On discovering a fire, staff should:
a. Immediately activate the nearest fire alarm. If possible, call reception and report the fire's location.
b. Attempt to tackle the fire ONLY if they are trained and confident in doing so. Designated staff will receive fire extinguisher training.
13. On hearing the fire alarm, staff should:
a. Stay calm and evacuate the building immediately, walking quickly without running, and following any instructions of the fire wardens.
b. Do not stop to collect your personal belongings at the time of evacuation.
c. Stay out of any lifts.
d. Remain out of the building until a fire warden confirms it is safe.
14. The Health and Safety Officer is responsible for conducting fire risk assessments, implementing necessary changes, and maintaining fire safety equipment and emergency procedures.
Risk Assessments and Manual Handling Safety
15. Risk assessment is a process of identifying potential workplace hazards and evaluating the risks to employees. The Employer is responsible for assessing risks and implementing measures to minimise harm. The Employer will carry out general workplace risk assessments when required or as reasonably requested by staff. Managers oversee this process and ensure that corrective actions are taken. The Health and Safety Officer is the primary point of contact for risk assessments and control measures.
16. If risks cannot be effectively controlled, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided.
17. The Employer will minimise or eliminate manual handling tasks like lifting and carrying heavy items to prevent injuries. If manual handling is unavoidable, training and guidance will be provided by the Health and Safety Officer.
Non-Compliance With Health and Safety Rules
18. Any breach of health and safety rules or failure to comply with this Policy will be taken very seriously and is likely to result in disciplinary action against the offender, in accordance with the Employer's Disciplinary Policy, up to and including immediate dismissal.